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Current Version: Virtual-Linux 1.1
Virtual Linux is basically the Mandrake Linux operating system, modified to run directly from your cd rom drive. It can be run with or without a hard drive. This is great for showing people the power and flexibility of Linux. You can put the cd in your cd rom drive and reboot....and you will soon have a powerful Linux system at your disposal...all without the hassles of loading new software or repartioning your hard drive or any of that technical stuff. Read more about Virtual-Linux 1.1 here.........
Okay.......since I am the webmaster for the site...... I first of all would like to welcome you to the site. I would also encourage you to sign up and to send to me screenshots or stories/comments for virtual-linux 1.1
Originally written (by me) for ....... I decided to repost it here for reference.
Here are some basic Linux commands. Some are well known and some aren't. I am not a Linux
Wizard...far from it...but I am learning some basic linux commands and thought I would share some with other newbies so they to can get more familiar with the terminal command line.
This is just a short note to let everyone know that the new design for Virtual-Linux is now well under way and I hope you like it so far.... just fine tuning it and working on a few things still...... but hopefully everyone likes it better :)
· Virtual-Linux Tiger Edition Version1.1
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Cool Sigs
Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world.
Mandrake Biz
Thai company Delphinux uses Mandrake for its Training Center
Mandrake delivers the goods at Nigerian CyberCafe
Linux Mandrake as a backup server.... it's reliable, secure and cheap!
Croatian Company Z-el d.o.o uses Mandrake
LipFrance uses a Mandrake server because of its user-friendliness and efficiency
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